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Old 17-04-01, 11:46 AM   #3
Metal Girl
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Well there are reasons people have for not getting involved in these type threads. I have MANY, MANY reasons why I don't...To go into all of them now would take me all night, so here's one that is the main factor in my decision to stay outta these type threads.

First off, as we have already seen here, tempers start getting outta hand and the name calling starts...It seems no matter what your position on topics such as these, there is always someone who is more than willing to challenge you on your beliefs and be a rude son-of-a-bitch about it too...but mostly, these people will try and tell you that you are not right. They are the ones who are right, they have all the answers to lifes questions, and unless you believe as they do, you are going straight to Hell in a Handbasket! I'm sorry, nothing in life is that cut and dry, not for me...and ESPECIALLY NOT IN RELIGION!!!

Well, anyway, none of this will ever sit well with me...I will believe what I believe and that's all there is to it. I do not in any WAY, SHAPE or FORM feel the need to either explain how I represent my religion or anything else that could lead to controversy here, or anywhere else on the internet...I have a life away from these boards that has real people in it, that I discuss these things with should the need to discuss them come up....People I love and respect as human beings, people I am sure will not jump down my throat and call me the unspeakable things I have been called over the internet, or make up clones and run around posting as me.

Those of you who feel that because we are not posting to your threads you are not being listened to can take heart in the fact that at least on the other side of THIS monitor, lies a person who pays attention to everything those of you with a brain post. And I appreciate it too, I just won't be setting myself up for the nasties ever again by posting to it that's all.

I've had enough on-line Drama to last me a life time, and from now on I will actively seek out the light hearted threads and post to them with a great big huge smile plastered all over my face.

And that is that, lol.

Last edited by Metal Girl : 17-04-01 at 12:05 PM.
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