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Old 30-04-02, 06:12 PM   #4
Waiting For The Night To Fall...
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Default Re: sig2dat 3.8.a ready for test

Originally posted by indiana_jones
sig2dat 3.8.0a is ready for test

now supports:

-- html or .. output
-- drag and drop


now this is fun! Drag and drop works like a charme, even with multiple files.

But I noticed that the "Copy selection to clipboard" options behave a bit confusing:

You have added 2 check boxes to determine the style of the signature that is added to the clipboard. One is labeled "... as quicklink HTML style", the other one "... as URL style".

When none of these check boxes is ticked, you copy the conventional signature to the clipboard.
When exactly one of the 2 check boxes is ticked, you use the signature style selected by the tick.
When both check boxes are selected, you use the HTML style.

This can be confusing to the user. Check boxes imply that the user has a multiple choice. But how you implemented it, the user will always ever get one type of signature.

I would propose 2 possible resolutions to this 'inconsistency':

1./ You add a third check box for standard signatures. This check box is defaulted as being selected. The user can select any combination of the 3 signature styles and depending on his selection, sig2dat copies all of the selected signature styles to the clipboard.

2./ You replace the check boxes with option buttons (radio buttons). These are the round buttons that you use to select the Message Icon (smileys) when posting in this forum. These buttons can be grouped, thus ever allowing exactly one of the options to be selected at any time. Pressing another option button automatically deactivates the previously selected button.
You also add a 3rd button for the standard signature style.

Other than that I am very happy with this new version. I just love the drag and drop and the signature styles are selectable, abeit still in an inconsistent manner.

Hope I don't sound too nitpicky,
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Last edited by Stoepsel : 30-04-02 at 06:37 PM.
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