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Old 29-04-02, 03:55 PM   #9
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Originally posted by LV15

because dance music isn't about individuals, it isn't about poster children, it isn't about appearing on jay leno, it isn't about playing music doesn't create many celebraties

can't imagine too many pubescent teenage girls drooling over fatboy slim in thier bedroom (and if they do they need fucking help)

as i've told you before the only reason moby is famous in america is because....HE IS A FUCKING SELL OUT

most dance artists release one great tune and then change their names for their next single...very few acts survive past one album if that (chem bros, prodigy, etc are the obvious exceptions)

dance culture is not about celebrity, it's about making people's that how are you going to market that?

dance culture could be called electronic punk...everyone has the capability to make one great record and be huge in the dance world for 15 minutes...but usually thats all it is...15 minutes

the scenes change faster than any labels can sign bands so the only big names on the scene are a, the DJ's and b, the small labels who licensce the current big tunes from wherever and release them onto the market.

No big record company is ever going to be able to latch onto the fact the lack of vocals and frontmen/women make it difficult to classics are born in clubs...nowhere else

I'm dreading the day that the big labels do attempt to harness dance culture...just look what they fucking did to hip hop...

the kylie tune is a great tune....but i've a horrible feeling that now it's made the top 10 in america we may see a slew of shite pseudo dance records fronted by whatever bitch has sucked enough radio cock that month

Madonna has already tried to get in on it , Cher tried, probably the only name i can think of who may of pulled it off was Bjork.....but who is next? Brittany? J-Lo? N-Sync? Blah

(and although madonna and cher both had huge hits with their 'dance' would never hear either played at a decent clubnight)

nyahahhaha... britpop is fucking shit...

and I agree with LV's evaluation of dance music...

americans were always best at doing rock 'n' roll cuz they invented and embraced it first... unfortunately they will never be able to catch up with the UK and europe in the dance music stakes.

Incidentally how many of u americans have heard of Jeff Mills or Joey Beltram?

oh dear
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