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Old 28-04-02, 01:26 PM   #3
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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Posts: 8

i forgot to mention the ads. they are there but there are no pop-ups (atleast not that i've noticed) this was what they said about them in the e-mail that was sent out with the beta

To support our efforts we will need to generate revenues. We wanted you to hear it from us first... an important source of revenues for us will be advertising. We hope you understand the realities that P2P companies face to stay alive for the long haul. Our choice was to either operate XoloX as a hobby between our full-time jobs or to dedicate every moment of our lives to pushing the envelope even further to make XoloX the best P2P client possible. We chose the latter!

We will keep our advertising to a minimum and do our best not to be intrusive or annoying unlike so many of the other ad-ridden P2P clients that relentlessly bombard you with all sorts of nonsense. We understand there are ways to remove ads but we ask you to show your support for our work and efforts by not doing so. Please understand that it is our advertisers who are footing the development expense and allowing us to pay our bills—they are our lifeline.

We make the following promise to you: XoloX contains NO SpyWare, NO SneakWare, NO HiJackWare. We will never trick you into installing something that you don’t want to install or that you don’t know you are installing ...not now...not ever! Thank you for giving us a try again and we look forward to hearing your comments.

they haven't made much of a difference to me and the rest is so good. as long as there's no spyware i can cope with ads

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