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Old 28-04-02, 11:29 AM   #5
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
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The Donkey, eh?

that's one I'm not familiar with (filesharing program anyway) but judging on just appearances alone I would say the ones on the left would be the one you can try renaming.

p.s this part is important:

If you use the Divfix.exe as suggested above so that you can watch your partially downloaded files before they are completed you WILL NOT be able to resume anything which you use DivFix.exe on so it IS RECOMMENDED that you MAKE A COPY of anything you wish to preview and then RENAME the COPY and not the actual file itself

(sorry please don't take the above in CAPS as "shouting" I was just trying to stress or emphasize the importance of doing this with a COPY and not the ORIGINAL FILE[/i] )

How is that Donkey working out for you btw? is it GOOD?

and are you really in the process of working on your own filesharing app? can you give any details?

Thanks and I hope I was helpful

[Side Note] Harbynger,,,thinks to himself...hmmm I really should make the switch to XP as it seems to becoming the defacto standard among new computers and new computer users.[/side note]

: )

(the last part was not an intentional insult merely an observation )

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