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Old 27-04-02, 11:33 AM   #11
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
Unhappy why do I feel like Jerry Springer here?

well here I am with a Final thought

ladies and gentle the new encryption scheme KaZaA is using

and its autoupdater mechanisms have been able to effectively

shut off the KAZAA version 1.4 of the it appears my

thoughts about it being a "superclient" were wrong...Indeed...

however I'm not through with trying to understand how this

particuliar client does its dirty deeds...One word of caution

the KaZaALite is not really a "hacked" or a "cracked" version of

KaZaA it is only a "repacking" of KaZaA

so if you use either KaZaALite or KaZaA/Grokster (maybe even Imesh too) then you are effectively giving up control of your personal information (i've seen it collected in the *dat file i discussed) and your computer to Sharman Networks/KaZaA

just a final word of warning...

okay what is the NEXT big thing?

first it was Napster then Morpheus/KaZaA

where do we go from here?

is opensource the way?

your thoughts please...


(over and outta heyah)
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