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Old 26-04-02, 12:45 PM   #1
Bumbling idiot
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Vancouver, CA
Posts: 787
Default edonkey id numbers, oh my

Hehe, so finally I found out that what id number you get from a server seems to matter A LOT.

I've always been getting the same id number, 19xxxxxxxx, a nice, big number. But I got up this morning and checked up on my donkey, and, well...

- all my downloads died out. I had lots of sources, and was pulling down 40-80kb/s usually, but now there was only 1 transfer, going at the usual borderline 0.6 kb/s. Ugh...
- the upload queue died. There were no people queued, when usually there are 50-60. Unlike my download however, the uploads were going full steam ahead, capped at 46kb/s by me.

I checked my id number, and it was 649. To my knowledge this is the first time my id was not the usual 19xxxxxxxx, and I have no idea why it was assigned to me.

So there. If your donkey downloads suck, increase Max Connections, and make sure you're not on a server that's giving you a low id.
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