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Old 25-04-02, 04:20 PM   #3
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Thank-you both for the good information. I would like very much to do just that however without have a centralised server for a short time as I'm very certain some other more popular clients did when they first started out I think it would be very hard to get a new client off the ground because in order to have a good client you need many things 1)scalability 2)ease of use 3)attractive interface 4)guaranteed downloads 5)upload/dowload bandwidth limits 6) a way to guarantee sharing and some form of a chat interface i think is essential.

Now then given my very meager requirements I have been looking at the existing software already on the market. WinMX was too complicated for me...too many bells and whistles...Edonkey I could never get to connect even with the bot.

Bearshare i don't remember the reason for it but I did not like it.

Xolox is a very barebones and basic p2p client. Bottom line it worked/works it has ultrapeers and I get the files I want it is to me the best of the Gnucleus clients that I've tried...maybe I should reiterate I'm on dial-up 56k modem so I am looking for a p2p program that can accomodate both broadband users and lowe bandwidth users like myself.

For that the Fasttrack clients: Grokster and Morpheus are great for that Example when I was on cable connection I used to be able to get downloads at 240kb/sec for moviess.

Now I can still get movies but it takes 48 consecutive hours or if you split it up over the course of 8hrs say turn your p2p proggie on at night and run it for eight hours i can get a 600mb movie over the course of 6days....not bad when you consider its still in theatres and will be a long time before its available to me in a videostore.

So what I'm doing now is trying my best to study and learn from reverse engineering different fasttrack clients to see what makes them is a very monumental task and one that I totally enjoy and it fascinates me very much.

I have much to learn

Here is one thing that interests me: 1)the rumour before Morpheus (Musiccity) was shut off of the Fasttrack network for bills not being paid that they would introduce a client that would work with both Fasttrack and Gnucleus

Am I wrong or does Imesh not do this now?

So it makes me wonder....why don't they (IMesh) tought (brag about or discuss this more) than they do?

It looks like that would make them very popular indeed.

My question to the board is this: Why isn't Imesh more popular than it is or why doesn't it take on the same mystique as say the much anticipated but now abandoned Morpheus 2.0

Thank-you for listening (hope i did not stray too far off topic)

(the wonder boy!)

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