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Old 22-04-02, 12:10 AM   #9
- a rascal -
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Thanks for the tips, folks.

Re servers, I originally d/l'ed eDonkey in February, so a two-month old server list probably didn't help me any (the perils of a truly decentralised network, I guess, as opposed to pseudo-decentralised networks like FT).

Re results, I was trying extend search, with little luck yesterday. Maybe that was because I had connected to a Test Server. Today I'm connected to 'The Main Danish Server' and the same test query ('madonna') produces 200 results. And extending pushed it up to 373!

Re file types, I have to whine again about having a full hard drive (and no cd-burner on site), so for the moment, small music files are the only thing I can try d/l'ing. When I get a chance to burn some CD-Rs and make room, I'll have a go at movies etc.

And is finally back up, so I can check out the documentation/server info etc there.

Thanks, NU! (especially for not calling me a lamer retard )
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