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Old 21-04-02, 11:01 PM   #8
Just another cat on the FastTrack...
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Default eDonkey. Hoax?

Originally posted by pod
Speaking of the bot, the author has bugged it and caused it to crash starting Apr 20 (that would be yesterday), supposedly to evaluate its impact by looking at how the network improves (or not) without it. There is a way to make it work again, but everyone is encouraged to chill while the situation is being looked at.
I had been neglecting my eDonkey lately, and after reading of the test in the Zeropaid announcement (eDonkey Bot Crash) and the pro and con opinions on it, I decided to try running it manually myself. I had always relied on the eDonkeyBot and after updating the server list hit the connect button. It cycled through several servers before finding one to connect to. A couple of old downloads actually started!

I then went to the ShareReactor and started browsing, queued up several items. After seeing some uploads that appeared to be to a like minded individual I added him to "Friends" and browsed his shares. Bingo!! TV Ads and Bloopers!! Queued a bunch of those up. (Looked like he had downloaded from me before)

Anyway, to make a long story slightly shorter in the approximately. 48 hours since I have seen the following in the vicinity of my harddrive:

37 Ads & Videos_____(Mpeg\Avi\Mov)_________200MB

7 Albums____________(RaR\Ace)_____________430MB

14 Games & Add-ons__(RaR\Ace\exe\ISO\zip)__3.23GB

Total d/l_________________________________3.86GB

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