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Old 19-04-02, 05:18 PM   #5
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Changes needed on OPennap servers

I too have seen these 440k bit rate files in searches, however a lot of servers are actively rejecting not only odd bit rate files from VBR encodes, but anything over 320k, so it seems there maybe some revisions needed in the default settings.

I regularily get some of my shares rejected by a number of servers for invalid bitrates, indeed the PommieNet servers which I am involved with does just that, it seems to be a hard coded feature at least it is in the binary file, maybe we need to look at the source code, wish I understood Delphi? to seek a cure, or rather a widening of specifications.

Untill such times there is always the Wrapster option as mentioned in another thread or just Zip the files up.

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