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Old 19-04-02, 11:01 AM   #5
just one of the gang...
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"Meanwhile, commercial radio has been reduced to a near monopoly, and tremendous influence is required to get a track on the air. Fortunately, labels understand that commercial airplay is nearly impossible for local bands to achieve. Fitzgerald begs artists not to make the mistake of "believing that each radio station writes it's own playlist. Four companies run almost every single major radio station (in the U.S.) That means there are basically four people who decide what gets played in this country."
hey, tg & ramona!

interesting article. and leave it to ramona to pass out the "word" on the street.

i find the article rather vain.
these days artist are taking it upon themselves to "make it".
they put a lot of hard work into putting together their own cd's and making their own videos, to the point that these "agents" can't help but notice them and want a piece of "their" pie.

i find it hard to believe what she says in the above quote.
maybe she is talking about "Top 40" radio. i just don't know.

i live in Canada, but right on the border to Detroit, and i know of lots of local Canadian bands who have been played on these Detroit stations, as well as our local ones. now what they had to do to get there is something i don't know. but i'm sure it wasn't as tough as she makes it out to be.

i notice a lot of radio stations who have "Homegrown" air-time, promoting local talent, in both Detroit & Toronto, two fairly large cities.

ramona, VIDEOFACT, is a site that i thought u might find interesting.

it's a Canadian fund for all Canadian acts. it funds the making of their videos. the catch is they have to do all the hard work themselves.

it's been a great way to see "homegrown" talent. and they play these videos often on MuchMusic, equivalent to MTV.

i always look at to see if the "videofact" phrase is attached to any video i watch.

good to see the RAMONA name again!
"rock on, all"

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