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Old 18-04-02, 02:52 PM   #3
Bumbling idiot
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Vancouver, CA
Posts: 787


Yeah, there will be outcry, from those who've been maxing out their lines 24/7 for the last couple of years. It is clear that along with speed caps and max download limits will come tiered service. How else can the cable cos make money? They can't provide T1+ levels of speed for $40/month to everyone who wants. Those days are over. See thread from a few weeks ago on this. Sure, your line isn't as stable as a real T1, but does the guy behind MuziKid@KaZaa really care if his line goes down for an hour every month or if his ping is 60 instead of 20? No. More bandwidth, gimme gimme. Well, it just happens to be a limited resource, and it costs money to provide, and competition is down, and the hype is dying down. Time to do it the right way; pay for the level of service you want. You want basic 3 channel cable? Do you want to pay the same price as the guy next door who's getting 300?

So if you just want to browse and send some email to grandma, you can pay for your cheap 128/16 connection. And if you have a need for 2000+ connection, you're just gonna have to start paying the market price.

It should have been that way to begin with, metered or tiered service, but the competition was too stiff and 56k too cheap and entrenched. It's almost a shame the free ride had to last so long, too many people used to their 'unlimited' lines forgetting over 80% of users still access their Internet over dialup and often pay more that they do already.
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