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Old 18-04-02, 12:36 AM   #12
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Pond
Posts: 140
Shy singles

Originally posted by JohnDoe345
The payment would be for the content and it has to a large selection of high quality content that can be copied to CD by the user, but the recording industry is putting a strangle hold on this issue.
Has anyone ever bought a CD-single? (when it wasn't in a bargain bin?) Why not stick with CDs, but create a file downloading service where devoted fans could grab singles or rarities (or CD tracks, if need be ). I mean it's the real music buffs that are creating this chaos for the industry (whereas those swapping radio fodder ... well... ) so why not stop trying to squeeze money out of those loyal and give them more value and convenience?
This may just lead to the songs being even more swappable, as the industry would be doing the ripping for you - probably a new format would be needed.. anyway, just a thought.

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