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Old 16-04-02, 06:15 PM   #5
floydian slip
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Default Re: That's the Newspaper Shop -- Monday edition

Originally posted by walktalker
Home phones losing out to cell phones?
Cordless-phone makers are pulling out all the stops to hold on to their customers. An increasing number of people with both a cell phone and a home phone are choosing to junk their landline. In response, the makers of cordless phones are going on the offensive, making their phones look and feel more like cell phones -- or even act like them. "Many people in this industry are very, very worried," said Howard Gutowitz, founder of Eatoni Ergonomics, which makes software used to enter text into cordless phones.
I have no phone lines in my house or connected to my house
I went wireless in 2000 and have not looked back. I will always remeber the day I cancelled SWBell, the operator was kind of angry, she said, "what are going to use for your computer?" I said, "haha I have cable." "You'll be sorry", she said. Well, like Pee Wee Herman says in Nice Dreams "IM NOT SORRY HAHA"

Originally posted by walktalker
Classroom bullies harnessing Net power
Playground bullies are harnessing the power of technology to persecute their victims around the clock, a U.K.-based children's charity warned Monday. NCH, one of the United Kingdom's leading children's charities, said the latest generation of schoolchildren is without refuge from a phenomenon that all too often drives vulnerable children to suicide -- with one in every four suffering bullying by text-message or e-mail, or in Internet chat rooms.
Thats crazy, How does a vulnerable retard know how to work a puter to begin with.
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