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Old 16-04-02, 06:01 AM   #5
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Never seen it do that HERE?

Quote...\ PATH NOT FOUND Attributes:

Maybe just a bit of code, left over after the hack, at least the code that creates the path & entry has not been active (yet)

These error messages are actually quite usefull, to point you to potential problems, might be worth runnng a script in startup to look for that path in case it does suddenly get active.

I've been running KaZaa light for 4 days now, with every possible
trace on, the only odd happening is the Page not found at startup, which is probably another bit of code yet to be hoiked out.

As usual the FT network works, not fast, but gets there, even over 4 or 5 timeouts and restarts, the wanted file arrives in the end. The only pity is that no matter WHAT you search for, some stupid bighead has tacked porn to it...?

I searched for BEAT(les) and got some file about wife BEAT(ing)

It makes me wonder how these demented folks think they will get away with it...

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