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Old 15-04-02, 01:14 PM   #3
Just Looking Around
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Originally posted by JackSpratts

sure a few of us may migrate, who knows. but we won't see huge numbers fleeing this party to go another one tha't worse. gnutella/winmx/blubster have a long way to go before they can unseat the dutch.

- js.
At the rate they "dutch" are going they will unseat themselves I'm sure of it.
Greed overpowers any and all respect for the people "users" that got them where they are today. They have made that rather clear already with all the bullshit they package with their client. It scares me to see what is next
I see more of a change in p2p right now moving to specialized networks. Cuz if you count the # users that are not on Fastrack it far out numbers the amount that are on Fastrack.
Fastrack is as large as it is because it is simple and popular not because it is that good. It is where the newbies go....after getting their feet wet people tend to move elsewhere.
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