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Old 15-04-02, 12:35 PM   #11
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Posts: 19

Originally posted by JackSpratts
keep in mind all versions of morpheus forward of august 2001 were designed to lock out gifts' opensource project. as such these versions destroyed the network as it then existed. jaan said they could survive in some form but mine finally shut down completely about seven days after the new release. it never connected again in any meaningfull way. in other words, morpheus v1.30 was already vulnerable to sublimation. i can't imagine later versions being any less susceptible.

- js.
I'm hoping KaZaA won't notice the problem (of many v1.4 clients) until it's too late. I'm also hoping v1.4s aren't as easy to block - fact is they haven't been blocked YET. Anyways if we can get enough people using v1.4, and by the same time convince other users at least not to download future versions of KaZaA which can already be used to kill v1.4s. Can it work? I don't know. This requires publicity in all major p2p websites. I'll try to spread my idea and see if I can get enough support to make this possible.
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