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Old 14-04-02, 01:17 AM   #1
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Default eDonkey, Spyware, and AdAware update

This appears to be getting out of hand, this spyware thing. This afternoon (in good old Antipodean time), I was running eDonkey (only), and decided to do a quick check with AdAware.
First run, I found four Cydoor entries in register: default\software\cydoor, default\software\cydoor services, software\cydoor & software\cydoor services. (Also present is the cd_clint.dll in case I need it - the "fake" one, that is).
Then I closed eDonkey, re-booted my computer, and re-connected to the Donkey. This time, up came all the above cydoor crap, plus C\Windows\System\Ad Cache, C\Windows\System\Cd_htm.dll, and an extra software\cydoor.
No chance these could have come from anywhere but the Donkey, since it was the one and only program running. I did an AdAware check on my ISP connection with nothing online, just to see if they were pulling a swifty - no way.
So then I tried to update my AdAware reflist. I initiated refupdate, and it went through the motions of downloading a new reflist dated 4/14, but it wouldn't install (should be automatic), but rebooting still did not bring it into play. Checked on the various download sites, but couldn't get a newer file than 103 - 04.07.2002.
I have the IP number to which I was connected on the Donkey, but being unsure of the protocol, I will not publish it in open forum unless asked to do so.
But what to do about these cydoor entries? I cancel them with AdAware, but as fast as I do that, they re-load.
Is nothing free of pollution these days?
It occurs to me as I read this that the only other source of the cydoor references would be if somebody is accessing my computer through the same port as that to which the Donkey is connected - wouldn't that be a worry?

"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And you hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on you head -
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
Lewis Carroll.
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