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Old 13-04-02, 08:42 AM   #1
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Default eDonkey bot - latest version

Finally started using eDonkey.... sort of.

I want to try the bot, but the home page says previous versions very buggy, best to get v1.2.1. But the d/l link doesn't work only has older version.

So i thought "hey, I'm running eDonkey, I'll just d/l it from there" and tried searching for my first ever file on eDonkey... but Search ends without result. Extend search and still no result. (I'm definitely connected to a few servers BTW.)

So I try ShareReactor search, no matches found. Not even a match just for edonkey! (trying just 'bot' gets me Robot Arena and Best of Both Worlds .)

Jeepers, if this is the state of eDonkeyness, I might just keep bending over forwards and getting it from FastTrack. (of course I mean bending over forwards by my keyboard and getting the software stuff I want from FastTrack )

(This is where some eDonkey lover leaps in to the rescue with a working link for the Bot, to keep another P2Per falling victim to the Dark Side...)
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