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Old 11-04-02, 06:47 PM   #24
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tough call. in my opinion it's the best p2p ever created. but it's totally compromised by it's vendors. for those unable or unwilling to recognize or deal with the consequences i say no, stay off the network, it is dangerous. very. you could lose all your data when forced to do a restore. for more advanced computer users who may not be all that familiar with fasttrack i give them the info and it's their call.

the info as i see it simple. the fastrack network, as good as it is, cannot be trusted. it allows "advertising pop-ups" that are really executable trojans that hide their loading buttons under "close" gifs and when installed are immune to ad-aware or thecleaner (i know this from first hand experience). it is filled with spyware. it has a very strange and very hidden 2nd network that does who knows what and is who knows how vulnerable to attack.

if you're compromised in any way from using the system you will get no help at all from the managers.

but there are other sharing programs almost as good (better even in some respects) and that have none of these particular vulnerabilities, and that have hundreds of thousands of satisfied users sharing gigs and gigs of data, that make using fasttrack almost unnecessary. so fastrack can and is avoided everyday by millions of file sharers who spend none of the time or effort making sure they’re defended every minute of every day ad infinitum. they just get on, up/down load and get off.

yes, it’s great.

yes it’s evil.

no, it’s not required.

Your Call.

- js.
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