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Old 11-04-02, 01:55 AM   #9
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Originally posted by assorted
I don't see the big deal as it's not so hard to remove.
First remove CyDoor, then replace the .dll, then remove BDE, then disable Altnet, now get rid of Block automatical installation of executables. Block certain hosts. Install a pop-up killer. And then keep your guard up constantly coz any of these nasties might re-install themselves whenever they feel like it. It's starting to be a real pain in the arse, frankly. (Ah, but you avoided FastTrack clients, well done. I would too but I'm addicted to metadata now.)

I won't surrender to spyware. If I can't defeat it, I'd probably just quit P2P as too much of a risk, and so might a lot of people. And's that's not going to serve anybody's interests, not the client-makers, not the advertisers and not the users who remain.

They're shooting themselves in the foot with all this crap (and if they were so stupid to not realize it before, they must be getting the idea now that Kazaa was removed from C/Net on those exact grounds.)

With the speed and ease with which info about these abusive tactics becomes widespread knowledge via the internet, they're fooling themselves if they think they have a viable business model.

(There's an idea: if users can't sue them for spyware [coz of cunningly-written license agreements], sue them for damaging shareholders' interests! Not practising due diligence with regards to future earnings! Heheh, anyone feel like buying shares in Brilliant or Sharman and starting a case?)
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