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Old 10-04-02, 11:23 AM   #15
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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Thanks for all your sound advice guys; I’ll be running the monitor. Nice work on the file source TG & Buzz. Makes sense, I did a full McAfee virus scan last night and now I can eliminate it as the problem. IE security settings are back to "insanely high" again. I had lowered them to do some actual internet "work" on this pc, something I need to do occasionally (pity the poor folks who must do so everyday). It’s more than possible these pgms came thru IE, but if so they came in last night as pop-ups during a grokster session, and my “closing a page” probably loaded the first program, the unknown one which then brought in all the rest. Of course it’s the not knowing that prevents me from removing it. But this is no mark in groksters' favor, the fact that it might not have been delivered via altnet or something similar. When a company allows it's partners to reprogram their customers pc's and surreptitiously force completely unwanted and even destructive products into their machines, regardless of the delivery system utilized, this can hardly be seen an endorsement. The best they can say is that the porn industry does it too. Indeed. Take that thought to congress guys.

I just keep coming back to the millions of regular users struggling with these issues everyday. Children who visit their favorite sites, kids looking for knowledge, teens racing around the net in a surfing frenzy just to stay current and older people trying for some relevance in the eyes of those they love. All of them washed by this hidden river of polluted and bankrupt commercial attacks, into a decaying swamp of greed and mendacity. And all of it in secret, being fought against in darkness by the unknown throughout the world at small outposts like this one at NU and others still deeper in shadow, by people, some of whom I’ve known for years who will never reveal their identities while this struggle continues. Seems somehow wrong all this. But to let it slip away, to let them win, to give this all up to the soulless, would be an even worse assault to our ideals.

- js.
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