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Old 10-04-02, 08:41 AM   #6
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Exclamation damn this crock of shit still wont work

so it seems others than me have these problems
and seems to be 2000/xp users
(b4 i had xp i remember a problem ppl had with morpheus?)
heres some posts from grokster forum
i have the exact same problems in kazza lite
and have uninstalled that and been
using grokster (uncleaned!)but no improvment
so thats gunna get the flick! and fasttrack too
if i can bite the bullet and delete the file ive got40%of?

i'm using 1.5.1 on 2000pro, 1200 celeron, 256ram, 56k dial up
and yes, it seems to be taking 99% cpu the whole time

at this stage i have very little installed and running at the same time, its a fresh install of 2000, sp2 + all current hot fixes from m$

also have ie6 installed (i have had lockup problems with this too, only while grokster is running)

i have zone alarm 2.6 personal

so far i have not installed my av software, norton 2001

the hard disk don't thrash as others have mentioned, just the cpu thing, i checked the priority and that in only on normal

other things seem to run ok, so i wonder if it really is hogging cpu

just thought some of this may be useful to you support ppl

Ok, you're probably sick of people going on about this, however, I've upgraded to the 1.5.1 version and I still things are pretty much unusable at the moment. The big problem is not so much Grokster connecting then disconnecting - this wouldn't be a problem as such, except that whenever it does this, it suddenly ties up between 95% and 100% of the processor time for about 2-3 minutes, constantly accessing the hard drive whilst doing this, basically meaning that literally no other operations can go on untill it's finished. Then it connects, downloads stuff for abouta minute, then goes through the whole shutdown/jam up entire PC thing all over. Whenever I shut down the program it also takes up all the processor/HD time for 2-3 minutes. I've tried all the suggested fixes (uninstall, run registry cleaner for both Grokster and morpheus which was previously removed, ran the vbs cleaner provided,re-installed to V1.5.1, even changed the Db file to Db1 and left the PC running for about 5 hours in the hope that it will sort out decent SuperNode lists) it's still no better. I've only recently done a clean installation of WinXP pro, and the system runs perfectly unless Grokster is active, and its running a 512K cable connection in an Athlon 1Ghz with 256Mb, so I don't see why Grokster should be tying up anywhere remotely near that amount of system resources for such lengths of time. I've also tried running it with averything but the bare essential aplications running in the background and I'm prety certain I've tried everything else suggested in the FAQ and this forum, and now I'm stumped. Any further suggestions, anyone?
P.S - I tried also setting the priority for Grokster to 'low' in the task manager, but this had little overall effect on the system in general and just made Grokster freeze for even longer berween re-connections.

edit coz i found something helpfull
If you are having trouble connecting try the following in order:

1) Make sure you have a good connection to the Internet and that you are using Grokster 1.5.1..older versions may not work correctly.

2) Make sure that you do not have a firewall type program such as ZoneAlarm or Black Ice set to block Grokster. They can be used with Grokster, but do not set them so they block Grokster. If you have Zone Alarm 3.0, please update to version 3.0.118 or higher. Older versions of Zone Alarm 3.0 may block Grokster from working. If you use Norton Internet Security System, make sure that you disable Ad Blocking in it.

3) If you are using the corporate version of McAfee (McAfee Pro), then try turning the McAfee off, start Grokster and then turn McAfee back on and see if that works.

4) If you are on the Windows XP operating system:

i) First, try a right click on the Start/Grokster button and click on the advanced button in the shortcut tab and put a tick in run with different credentials.Then click OK and OK. When you start up Grokster it says run as current user and has a tick in protect my computer and data from unauthorised program activity. Then click OK.

ii) Second, try running it in compatablity mode for Windows NT service pack 5 and disable visual themes. If you then have 99% Cpu load, then what you do is, CTRL+ALT DELete to bring up the task manager and then in the processes box find grokster.exe - right click on it and set up its priority to low.

iii) Third try: Windows XP has a firewall that can be enabled. When Shared Internet Connection is configured, the firewall is enabled by default. Depending on how your computer is equipped, it also may be enabled from the factory if your computer has a network card installed. The firewall can be disabled and Grokster will in fact work correctly. But it is important to explain what a firewall is and it's importance. Firewalls prevent unauthorized intrusions to your computer. This is very important if you have high speed internet access such as DSL, Cable Modem, IDSL or T1. With these connections, you are constantly connected to the Internet, thereby greatly increasing the chances of unauthorized intrusions to your computer.

We recommend that you use a firewall such as Zone Alarm, which has been proven to work with Grokster.

To disable the Win XP firewall, right-click My Network Places, select properties, select the connection associated with your Internet access (modem or lan connection), right-click on the selected connection, select properties, select the Advanced Tab, uncheck the box for Firewall and select Ok or Apply to save the change.

A second option for advanced users is instead of disabling the Firewall, you can manually enable the specific port(s) Grokster needs. Instructions on how to manually enable ports can be found in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Just select Windows XP as the Product and seach for firewall. Grokster uses Port 1214.

5) Finally, perhaps you are behind an external firewall. If so, you will have to work around it with a proxy using port 1214. Unfortunately, if this is the problem, we cannot provide any advice as every one of these is unique. Grokster uses Port 1214. Please see your proxy software documentation on how to allow Grokster access on Port 1214. Host:,

You might also try a free product called SocksCap, which you can get at:

More info about it is at:

Another product that seems to work easily is HTTP-Tunnel:

6) As a last resort try uninstalling Grokster, go to and download and install a new copy.

7) It is also possible that Grokster is being blocked or bandwidth restricted by your ISP.


i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard

Last edited by multi : 10-04-02 at 09:08 AM.
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