Thread: virus watch
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Old 09-04-02, 10:06 PM   #3
Just another cat on the FastTrack...
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Exclamation Practice Safe Downloading

Back on the old Morpheus Discussion Board I had this posted under a couple of forums (Bug Report & Questions, my two favorite hangouts!!) One or another of us would occasionally bump it to the top...

A while ago, just for fun, I deliberately searched for a *.vbs file to download to test my system.
Sure enough I located some so I picked one that claimed to be "Uriah Heep - Sunrise.mp3"
Wow! A 13 sec. download...
Bam! Up pops Norton AntiVirus to inform me that

"Norton AntiVirus has detected the VBS.LoveLetter.CIH virus in..."
and further informs me that it is
"Unable to repair this file."
Well I guess not, it's only a 9K file. Click OK. Another box pops up
"Unable to access this file."
Why did I do all this? To prove several things about practicing safe downloads!
1. Install a good AntiVirus program and keep your definitions updated.
2. Pay attention to what you are downloading. If you look all the way to the right at the filename you would see the file I was downloading was really named "Uriah Heep - Sunrise.mp3.vbs"
3. In order to get my experiment to work I had to alter my usual safety settings which are:
Open the "Tools" menu - select "Options..." - open the "Filter" tab and under "Miscellaneous"
I select the options:
Filter the file types that can potentially contain viruses
(If you d/l Programs you will need to clear the above box)
Filter bogus music and video files
I repeated my search after and all I found were some files that contained the letters vbs in the description but NO VBS Scripts!
In conclusion if you practice safe downloading and follow the three steps above you will run less risk of harming your system and files and won't contribute to the spread of these VBS Scripts.
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