Thread: KaZaA
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Old 09-04-02, 12:41 PM   #3
zombywoof's Avatar
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Originally posted by Rish
Yeah, someone e-mailed me from my site a while ago with another Reg hack to stop KaZaA from limiting the amount of search results to 100. I'm not too sure whether it works, but give it a go. Failing that, just get KaZaA Lite... Here's the e-mail:

"Hi, i raed your site al the time and i come across how you said you cant get morethen 100 results in kazaa and i searched kazaa(hehe)and found out how to change the max results to what ever you want.

How to Set MAXIMUM SEARCH Beyond 100

Using the Regedit program in Windows, you can expand the number of search items that KAZAA/Morpheus will return.

To do it:
a) click the Windows "Start Menu" button
b) click "Run"
c) type "regedit" and hit
d) click the "+" in front of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
e) click the "+" in front of "software"
f) click the "+" in front of KAZZA/Morpheus (whichever you have)
g) click on the folder in front of "Advanced"
h) double click "MaxSearchResult"(in the right-hand window)
i) click on the circle in front of "decimal"
j) change the Value Data field (to something like "500")
k) click on "OK"
l) close regedit (by clicking on the "X" in the extreme upper right corner of the regedit window)

The next time you run a search in KAZAA/Morpheus, you will be able to receive more than the normal 100 result limit.

PLEASE NOTE: if you make any changes to (or just visit) your Tools:Options:advanced screen, it will complain about your maximum search count being too high. You will need to cancel out of the screen (OK won't let you out!)

I thought were you did such a good job on your site id thank you with this.

PS: your site is the best for filesharing reviews "

(Btw, my site address is - sorry for the cheap plug ).

I've never seen that reg hack work. Yes, you can change the number in the registry but when doing a popular search, I never got past 110 -120 results. Even when I had the max set to 100, I could still receive over 100, but never more than 120 max. If I set it for 300, I'd still never see more than 120.
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