Thread: Spyware Deluge
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Old 09-04-02, 05:29 AM   #13
- a rascal -
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I ran Ad-aware twice yesterday: first with the 25 Feb ref list (no new components found) then again with the new 7 April reflist: over 220 new components found!

But here's the kicker: 218 of those were the same two repeated over & over again (a Comet Cursor reg entry and something called sc3 autofile or something like that). I checked them down to the last digit and they were definitely the same two components repeated 109 times.

So really there were only 4 new components found, those two, a temp BDE file I had missed and one other I can't remember.

PS on another subject, I installed the new DivX 5.0 plain bundle (not Pro pay bundle, not Pro GAIN bundle) from yesterday, and ran ad-aware; no new components found. If you need to upgrade your video codec, you can go for the PLAIN bundle without having to worry about spyware. So you can avoid the other bundles if you only need to decode/view.

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