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Old 09-04-02, 12:45 AM   #12
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Posts: 7

Myself, I use TekNap the most, but that's probably because I'm not here for getting and sharing files, but the for the adminning stuff.
If you would want try TekNap, feel free, it's the most powerful client around, yet, very hard to learn and get used to.

However, TekNap is an OpenNap client. That's where my preferance goes to: OpenNap.

I have KaZaA installed, use it for downloading big files. Never for music tho, cos I hate 128bit quality. Never got really botherd to install something else while it all goes great....

I get my music from OpenNap, and yes, I use TekNap for that. One of the best OpenNap clients, in my opinion, is audioGnome. Most people would say 'WinMX' is better, yes, maybe it has a better interface, but if you'd look at WinMX from the admin side, then it's crap.
Mess with the best, die like the rest!

MasterNap !
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