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Old 08-04-02, 08:40 AM   #6
fish tacos ftw
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Some questions posed to BDE by David Coursey of ZDNet:

How is Brilliant's use of Kazaa to propagate its software any different from the distribution methods used by computer viruses? How is Brilliant's software different from a Trojan horse that gives a third party access to a user's computer without his or her knowledge?

You added your user agreement to Kazaa's--so thousands, if not millions, of users have already agreed (in many cases unwittingly) to let you use their computers. Why did you choose this clandestine method of licensing?

You promise that in the future, you'll ask people for permission to use their machines and (somehow) to compensate them. Why are you doing this now? And why didn't you start this way?

Many of the agreements between users and their ISPs prohibit servers, file-swapping services, and sharing Internet connections. Couldn't the Brilliant network cause people to violate these agreements?

Those same ISPs could pay the real price for the Brilliant service, because they'll end up supplying the bandwidth required by your network. Do you have agreements in place with any ISPs to compensate them for use of their networks?

Even if someone knowingly agrees to be part of your network, how can he or she be sure his or her machine will remain secure? For example, let's say someone hacks into the Brilliant network. What's to keep them from infecting every computer on that network with viruses or worse? Suppose they started storing illegal content--child pornography, say--on those machines. Who'd be responsible? Could the cops kick down my door because a hacker put illegal content on my machine using Brilliant's network?

I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for their answers.
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