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Old 08-04-02, 01:04 AM   #13
DJHyperbyte's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 7

Thank you all very much for the warm welcome.

I think your advice is good. If Korn is something that the copyright nazis are particularly scanning at the moment, better unshare it. Less publicity for the band but that's their loss.
You do have a point there. If Korn turns out to have connections with operations, such as RIAA, CRIA, Mediaforce etc, I might even consider adding the word 'Korn' to the blocked files list, so nobody will be able to share Korn.

For the ones who wondered why the link in my signature doesn't work... We are moving nameservers on our because we had 1.000.000 hits on the old one (ZoneEdit) which doesn't allow that much hits (crap).
The moving is expected to be finished today or tomorrow.

In the maintime you can use
For any other questions you can always e-mail me: (but wait until is back - else you'll get everything returned).
Mess with the best, die like the rest!

MasterNap !
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