Thread: Spyware Deluge
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Old 08-04-02, 12:51 AM   #4
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Default "Interact with your computer!"

Whoa, hold up, Jack... you've actually SEEN the Bonzi Buddy in action? What the hell does it actually do, I'm curious. (Altho not so curious as to ever in a million years d/l the f#king thing.) I thought I already interacted with my computer (maybe they mean that in the mid-90's 'Virtual Reality' fad sense...)

Also, maybe one of the graf geniuses here at NU could come up with a combo of the net's 2 favourite adverts: Bonzi Buddy and Punch the Monkey. Then I could while away the hours playing Punch the Bonzi...

and to be completely irrelevant, I just noticed how this FastTrack/Altnet business is a complete homage to my favourite quality drama (soap opera, cash-in sequel) plot-twist: the previously unheard-of identical twin... who's evil Have Brilliant Digital been watching Sunset Beach re-runs? Enquiring minds want to know.
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