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Old 07-04-02, 12:55 PM   #1
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Napsterites servers update

Not an awefull lot to report, very little has happened to PommieNet, it still gets jammed up in 5 minutes after switch on, and goes on its own way merrily killing off NON & LOW sharers in favour of the BIG SPENDERS, once it gets full.

I tried upping the users to 60 but all that did was slow down everything to a snail crawl, 100% CPU thrashing most of the time.

It seems the only way to handle the crush is a faster PC, and this I am not really happy with, so the only option now is to limit the access to Napsterites and their friends by registering your nicks and passwords.

I have not investigated this option yet, but I know it is possible, I would like to know your opinions on this, as I'm sure a lot of you must have got kicked quite regularily.

The effect of this share prioritising is that the average share of users is around the 1000 file mark, which is twice that of most other servers, so from a sharing point of view, as TankGirl said, it shows that Napsterites are not leeches.

So do you want a server open to all, that supports leeches, small sharers, medium sharers and "big spenders" or one that makes available only the shares of your Napsterite friends?

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