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Old 07-04-02, 12:40 PM   #1
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Brows Was Anyone Quick enough?

Or Smart enough, to get WinMx 3.00 Beta 7?

It must have flown by pretty quick? or maybe they didn't actually release it, found the serious flaw locally?

I hope the strange massive queued numbers thing has been sorted in beta 8, and the bandwidth controls work correctly.

The file option list is now correct, does not start one place out in the list, and it looks like the search list sort crash has finally been sorted out, only remains the WNP disconnect crash sorting, and we'll be nearly there.

I thought to my self "Who ARE they kidding" when they said we may put out a quick beta 7 before the final version, I remember how long it too to get 2.1 stable, my guess is that we'll have 2 more beta's before a final official release of 3.00.

Well, what have you discovered is wrong with beta 8 that I have missed in the 8 hours its been running?


Nice work chaps/Lassies, at WinMx (frontcode) great to see you on the ball..
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