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Old 05-04-02, 09:41 AM   #6
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows WArning about deleting servers

This was intended to go in the previous post, but system flipped and closed it?

When you delete unwanted or useless servers or server entries, take care, the right click /Remove option is a bit sudden, and a fumble will delete the wanted server and a few others as well.

due to the positioning of the action buttons, and the lack of any secondary confirmation, unless you click CANCEL you will kill a lot
more than you intend, especially if you want to delete a block of servers and have block highlited them.

Been there, done it, cursed, but fortunately kept a copy of the WSX file, so easy to re-load (more than once I might add).

Mind you its real cool for deleting the lot, if thats your bag? and judging by evrer increasing quantity of FUSSY SERVERS, you could well want to, then WinMx have scored a brilliant anti-frustration move...

Oh and finally, since WinMx seems to be the MOST HATED client, don't forget to alter the client type to something like audioGnome of some other "In Tool" Napigator seems to be accepted by most servers .

Of course the Napsterites servers are not a bit fussy, as they are there to serve NOT HINDER..

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