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Old 03-04-02, 09:12 PM   #4
Just another cat on the FastTrack...
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Join Date: Jan 2002
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Very Angry

(I've had it crash twice in 5 minutes)
You ever have 12 instances of WinAmp all playing the same song at once (Of course not simultaneous and so resulting in total bedlam).

I was trying to find out for certain what those mp3PRO files played like without the Plugin. I figured that since I had WinMX going already I could just look at my shares and open the files by right-clicking and selecting play.

I saw that I had an enqueue option so selected some files (apparently 12) and chose "enqueue in WinAmp" At this point WinMX freezes and I notice in the Task Bar that WinAmp was trying to open.

WinXP has the feature that groups like items on the Task Bar and I saw the number kept increasing for WinAmp.

In another thread I mentioned a 90min Eagles mp3 I have, well even though it wasn't one of the files I selected it was what all 12 copies of WinAmp were trying to play!

The computer would not respond to anything I was doing so I ended up hitting the Reset Button to stop it.

Anyway the point I am trying to make is that through all of this not only did WinAmp not crash, I couldn't even stop it.
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