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Old 03-04-02, 04:20 PM   #1
Madame Comrade
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Wink Re: you are of course right on

Originally posted by snowman
Think about it for a second. Microsoft with its zillions of dollars has extreem difficulty keeping IIS, IE and Outlook safe from hackers how in the world is Kazaa and/or Brilliant Digital ever hope of pulling it off.
My thoughts precisely. Implementing a safe distributed computation engine to be used as a commercially available resource in a p2p network would be a challenge even to a resourceful giant like Microsoft - how could the near-bankrupt BDE manage it? It can't.

Even the respectable SETI@home project has had its own security problems but at least we know that they have serious resources to address those problems and that they don't sell access to our computers to the highest bidder with unknown motivations.

- tg
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