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Old 03-04-02, 05:04 AM   #17
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Brows Oh Gawd, not another format?

Originally posted by schmooky007
>>>'Schmooky said..... just dont forget to allow sharing of mpc files

I wish I knew what an MPC file was?'<<<

mpc (or musepack) is an alternative "lossy" compression format to mp3. the main difference between mp3 and mpc is that mp3 (along with ogg and aac) are all transform codecs, while mpc is a subband codec. when compared with mp3, mpc files sound more clear and crisp with higher tonal purity, less distortion, and no artifacts like pre and post echo (both of which are a big problem for mp3), and ringing-like artifacts at high frequencies also go bye bye
Thanks for that, I'll need to do some more reading I expect, I'll give them a try, If I can find a coder/decoder set.

Ringing transients are a bit problem certainly on the lower sample rates like 32k used for the Old Time Radio and humour stuff, percussive and explosive artifacts always cause problems, needing editing at the WAV level which is time consuming.

"Subband codec" Hm... better look that one up?

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