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Old 30-03-02, 11:54 AM   #4
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Default just tried that as well

Originally posted by Stoepsel

will the new version work together with the eDonkey Bot? Have you tried it yet?

i had a download going but tried it n e way coz i could not get it to start transfer at all after a hr or 2 had plenty users on cue or should i say Queue but nothing(last time i used v59 i would connect to somebody within a min or 2 every time i started it!)
n e way, so......
I renamed the old ed2k folder to eDonkey2000old and the ed2ktest folder to eDonkey2000
(I sort of wonder now about the reg entries)
copied all the relevent file(to do with the bot,the .part files for the download ,incoming )sharereactorfied the test exe and ran the bot
all ok running just the same
is eDonkey proving hard for others to get their files
started transfering even tho they seem to be able to connect to the servers and have dozens of users on cue?
to do with the registry
share reactor files from their site are not working(error)
so just copy the name of the file and do a FASTsearch
stop it and hit download there
probably got something up shit creek
jeezuz...still no action
by the sounds of things im not the only one with connect but no transfer
hang on theres 1 transfering now allright speed
i think it may be the other file i am trying to get
(not many with it)
feel better working with the latest version
even if it is a test

i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard
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