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Old 29-03-02, 07:09 AM   #3
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Progress on Pommy

very interesting to read all your comments yet again, and real pleasing to see the server list growing to three now, or is it 2 1/2
Sorry don't know anything about slaveNap (yet) still battling with OpenNap, but I think we are getting there at last.

Using the settings defaulted in the distribution files is hopeless especially the queue values. Currently I have 200,000 in the queue and 500 max search, I can now browse completely the files on Pod's disk also Malk-a-mite both with over 2,500 files, but HAL9000 and JackSpratts with 3000 plus are still causing a crash and a disconnection.

The initial idea about files with names begining with Z seems to have been a mis-assumption, as what seems to be happening is when the limits of browse are reached, only selections are made from the total list, so obviously the Z's will be at the end?

Currently, and untll I can get some sure fire tips from other long standing Opennap servr OPs, I suggest you use search to find the files, and now browse, as this COULD leave you in the air?

The comments about the CPU being the restriction, could be true here as its a 233MMX, and things have moved on a little since then.

Still I never intended to join the BIG LEAGUE, really only after a specialist server, with reasonable limits, and NO STUPID BOTS
or fussy server messages, and ANY client allowed, why put obstacles in peoples way, its supposed to be FUN...

See you in the Napsterites room, or lounge, wherever...

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