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Old 28-03-02, 06:25 PM   #17
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Originally posted by TankGirl

This happens because browsing is limited, both on OpenNap servers and on WPNP. Browsing and searching (returning the search results) are the two activities that load the bandwidth of the servers most and to protect the functionality of the network there are varying limits on both.

it's true; the larger the file list the more problematic the loading. while this may seem obvious at first it can have real consequences during operation. for instance i'm sharing 3600 hundred files right now and browsing me will disconnect one of our servers and take over 8 minutes to load using the other one. and this with dsl.

i imagine no one designing these applications thought they'd ever be used for the numbers of files that are now becomming commonplace. a possible, if temporary solution would be to spread out the files among the different servers one's connected to but i know of no such program that enables this.

- js.
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