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Old 26-03-02, 10:03 AM   #2
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thanks assorted. we're all watching with interest how a republic practices big money democracy, when those involved are uneasy about a law that benefits a few narrow interests - while severely restricting the peoples' rights. don't change the bill, just change the bills' controversial name to something less orwellien and hope for a sympathetic reception.

meanwhile, we shake our heads with scorn as countries like cuba restrict access to the internet or ban pc sales entirely. “never happen here” americans say with pride, while people we trust are working to achieve the same thing.

when the only things i can do with my pc are what the gov't "lets me", i'd rather do something with my time that's more fulfilling, like working on getting these out of touch and corrupted individuals thrown out of office!

I've contacted my elected officials about the SSSCA. I'll now do the same with the CBDTPA.

- js.
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