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Old 26-03-02, 01:04 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209

Its funny how people always rationalize things with degrees.

If you download music, your equal to the guy selling cds out of his trunk.

I download movies all the time, I am just as guilty as the guy who sits in the theater with a camcorder.

Whether its a car, choclatebar or an mp3 theft is theft.
It causes the record companies to loose money, the RIAA is put in a tight spot.

I say good! I really dislike the RIAA. I also feel that artisits arent treated nicely by thier own record companies. So I am content with ripping the record compnaies off by downloading as many songs I can.

The only artists I support without stealing from is independent local groups, who arent in bed with goons that serve thier own greed by pissing on net freedoms and rights.

Its funny how everyone sugar coats thier own adventures in theft by trying to push guilt on others. Just admit you love to steal from record companies. (Not cars!)

Bottem line its easy to steal music, file sharing has made p2p theft a national sport, and I am going for gold.

Look at your hard drive full of music and movies, toss your morals out the window and smile as you wait for the rest of your downloads to finish. Cheers.
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