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Old 22-03-02, 05:20 PM   #3
Madame Comrade
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Originally posted by walktalker
Anti-Copy Bill Slams Coders
America's programmers, engineers and sundry bit-heads have not yet figured out how much a new copyright bill will affect their livelihood. When they do, watch for an angry Million Geek March to storm Capitol Hill. A bill introduced this week by Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-South Carolina) would roil the electronics industry by forcibly embedding copy protection into all digital devices, from MP3 players to cell phones, fax machines, digital cameras and personal computers. But the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA) would also wreak havoc on programmers and software companies -- both those distributing code for free and those selling it.,1283,51274,00.html
Let's hope that this madness will be quickly and determinedly rejected... Knowing the present nazi attitudes of the entertainment industry it is understandable that their paid senators try to push legislation like this but should it really go through... it would be a major catastrophe for both the US hardware & software industries. I just can't see it happening - there are too strong industrial and economical interests at risk and in direct conflict with it. Hollywood may be influential but it is hardly that influental.

Thanks for the news, Mr. Newsman!

- tg
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