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Old 18-03-02, 11:04 PM   #1
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Default Goodbye Morpheus, Hello Audiogalaxy (and Blubster and Kazaa and Grokster ...)

No sooner did the music industry effectively kill Napster than a dozen imitators started vying for its vacated throne. And now they're not swapping just music, but movies, software, and any other content that can be condensed down to 1s and 0s. Primary among the upstarts is Morpheus, peer-to-peer file-sharing software distributed free by StreamCast Networks of Franklin, Tenn. Napster had about 70 million people download its file-sharing software, but in less than a year, 60 million have already downloaded Morpheus. At the beginning of March, StreamCast had to put out a new version of Morpheus -- in part because the old version no longer worked (more on that later) -- and in the following two weeks, more than 25 million users downloaded the new version. Those numbers speak volumes. "Millions of consumers are forming peer-to-peer networks," says StreamCast CEO Steve Griffin. "They are not going to stop.",38874,00.html

- js.
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