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Old 14-03-02, 08:48 AM   #1
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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You Know You've Arrived When These Guys Cover You. Too bad They Spelled Grokster M.O.R.P.H.E.U.S.!

"Share all your media with Morpheus.

Why do things that feel so good end up being so bad? Like a Big Mac to the chronic dieter. Ice cream to the lactose intolerant. And free music downloads for music lovers. The newest file-sharing service, called Morpheus, is a hit with consumers, but the music industry considers it another thorn in its side. Think Napster with a kick.
Morpheus is a peer-to-peer application owned by a company called StreamCast and available for download at And like the brave leader of the rebellious humans in the movie "The Matrix," Morpheus gives you ease and freedom--like no other software available on the Internet."

The writer mentions he wrote this peice a week after No Doubts' album Rock Steady was released. That would make it December 18th, 2001, or well before the Fasttrack version of Morpheus ceased operations.

- js.

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