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Old 08-03-02, 11:23 PM   #4
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vin's a piece of work all right. he's been threatening this for a while, but he'll regret it. the glue that holds gnutella together is the common standard. when one client breaks ranks and goes its' own way others may do so too, leading to the marginalisation of the network and taking bearshare down with it.

so what's good for bearshare now will in time become its' liability. vinnie's made it clear that bearshare, and by extension, gnutella, is a business - his business, and no-one's going to stop him from adding spyware and who knows what kind of junk if it lines his pockets, and whatever lines his pockets is by definition good as far as he's concerned. i think it's really frosting him that xolox, this little unsupported orphaned app is more highly thought of, and more effective, than his own little monster. it just defeats his unsupportable, orphaned arguments that only by his profits will the p2p community improve. the people doing it for fun and for cause and for free must therefore be stifled at every opportunity, especially if they're doing it better than he is.

- js.
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