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Old 03-03-02, 01:34 AM   #6
JackSpratts's Avatar
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The following is presented for NU members' information only. While I have no reason to question Grokster, none of the recomendations below have been verified. They get a bit touchy on their bug board. I've even been "edited"...

Here's the latest from Grokster:

"With Morpheus apparently no longer a part of the network ( see ), there have been massive readjustments occurring in large parts of the network that is affecting access and connections. Many people have been able to get on and stay on successfully. Many others are having problems. Once the network reorganizes itself, some of these effects should go away.

*****IMPORTANT NOTE: Please follow these steps in order. Once you get to a point where Grokster is successfully running, please stop at that point and do not proceed any further.*****

NOTE: "exit and restart Grokster" means that you right click on the Grokster "G" icon and select "Exit Grokster", then restart it from the Desktop icon or Start menu.

If you cannot connect to the Grokster network at all with either Version 1.3.3 or 1.5, or you had trouble with upgrading Grokster, please follow these steps:

1) If you are still on Version 1.3.3, please get the upgrade to Version 1.5 and install it over your existing Grokster program from:
If you do this and it does not connect afterwards then go on to # 2:

2) If you already have Version 1.5 installed (to check, start Grokster and go to Help/About Grokster and the screen that opens up will tell you what version you have) and everything seems to be working OK, but it just says "Connecting" at the bottom, then try:
a) First if you have Kazaa and/or Morpheus installed on your computer, please uninstall them as they can conflict with the operation of Grokster. Once uninstalled, exit and restart Grokster.
b) Second, if you are sharing more than 400 files, try sharing a bit less than 400 files and see if this fixes the problem. Exit and restart Grokster again.
c) Third, start up Grokster and let it try to connect for at least 15 minutes (please time it and let it go this long at least). This will give it time to cycle through the stored Supernodes list. This needs to be done as many Supernodes have been disrupted by the Morpheus situation. If it finally connects this way, let it stay connected for at least 30 minutes afterwards to give it time to build a current Supernodes list for you.
d) Fourth, if you have ever had Morpheus installed on your computer any time in the past (or are not sure, as it will not hurt to try this), then download and run:
Then exit and restart Grokster again and give it several minutes to connect.

3) If the above does not work, then we need to do a total uninstall and reinstall of Grokster:
a) To be safe move any files you are concerned about out of C: Program Files/Grokster/Shared to another folder temporarily, altho this procedure should not delete any files in that folder. You can do this with Windows Explorer among other tools.
b) Uninstall Grokster by going to your Control Panel and select Add/Remove programs, wait a couple of minutes for it to build itself, then select Grokster and then Remove. Then in the Control Panel, if you have it, select "Grokster Ads Support" and uninstall it also. If this remains afterwards, it is because you have another Cydoor program on your computer that is accessing it. If so, just leave it.
c) Uninstall the Grokster registry entries by downloading and running:
d) And if you did not clean out the leftover Morpheus registry above, then please do so now by performing step 2 (d) above.
e) Reboot your computer.
f) Download and install Grokster from here:
Since you are having problems, we recommend that you uncheck the offerings from Gator, FileFreedom, Commoname and the Desktop links, so that they do not install.
g) Once installed, again give Grokster at least 15 minutes to cycle through all the Supernodes to make a connection and then let it run for at least 30 minutes afterwards to let it build a current Supernode file. If Grokster Connects and then Disconnects, cycling back and forth, try reducing the number of files you are sharing to a bit less than 400 for now. If that does not work try sharing no files for now.

Hopefully, these procedures will allow you to connect to the network until it settles down. We are still working on other problems with the Grokster client. We are noting all comments and trying to come up with solutions.

Thank you for your patience!"

Obviously this network is in big trouble right now. Why that is I'm not certain, but I don't think it's because a lot of people aren't using it. My feeling is the update has done something unexpected. Some sites are even offering "Supernode Lists" downloads to get more people connected. But I haven't heard that works either. Gee, wonder if my IP#'s on it?

- js.
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