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Old 01-03-02, 11:37 PM   #22
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snowman - it's gnucleus. they just put their name on it.

oscar - mine did the same. after it installed it 'vanished', but it was there. blubster was like that too.

this gnutella app is just a stopgap tilll the rebol system is ready, and they have big plans for that one. new network etc.

my verdict: use grokster, it's easy to clean and then it's just like morpheus except the update shows users more acurately. on the other hand the new morpheus is a good gnutella app. if it's not identical to gnucleus (one if my favorite gnutellas) it's so close it's hard to tell apart and that's not the worst thing. gnupheus?

so long morpheus. long live grokster.

- js.
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