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Old 28-02-02, 11:23 AM   #6
JackSpratts's Avatar
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we'll probably watch a repeat of the situation that occured with xolox, the first gnutella based application that allowed multi-sourced downloading. the "pressure" that app placed on the system (according to bearshare, for what that's worth) caused many in the gnutella camp to seriously consider locking it out of the network. it was news to me (but unfortunately not surprising) that this could be done in the first place.

what comes out of it all is the realisation that those of us who thought all these networks were centralised were right all along, in spite of the lies we were told by the companies, and that's the worst possible news file sharing advocates can receive.

it turns out that these networks couldn't be easier to shut down. just change a few lines of code at the server and it's napster part II. won't the riaa be happy about that?

- js.
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