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Old 28-02-02, 09:54 AM   #4
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i think it has more to do with back room deals, license arrangements and bad feelings between consumer empowerment/sharman and streamcast than any kind of misunderstanding. especially the bad feelings part. i mean, why hasn't streamcast released v2 and broken away from from the pure fasttrack protocol? could it be that consumer empowerment threatened to cut them off if they did?

i think the whole thing has been about the tail wagging the dog, that the little-licensee morpheus got so much bigger than the parent - and then made demands. the result is the licensor saying "we don't want you to do this, if you go ahead and make this update we'll shut you out". does anyone actually believe that the codes were changed overnight and morpheus didn't know about it before hand? i think it's much more likely that it's been a threat for a long time and that threat has kept morph from releasing v2.

something happened recently that brought it to a head. in this high stakes game morpheus pushed a bit too hard perhaps and fasttrack pushed back. harder.

we'll get the update, it's probably been ready for months, but it won't connect to the fasttrack network which is what this has been about all along i think.

morpheus version 2.0 has to use gnutella now. that and perhaps an entirely new network are all that'll be left of the original morpheus, if the parties can't work things out in the next few weeks.

it's going to be like starting from scratch last april - after napster was killed - all over again. new network, new protocols, new problems. oh boy.

- js.
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